Article Analysis

Throughout the entire term, you will contribute three posts to the Discussion Boards available on Quercus,
building on the guidelines below. This assignment is aimed to demonstrate your reading comprehension and
your critical thinking abilities. The posts should be carefully written: clear, concise, without grammar or spelling
errors. They should demonstrate that you are thoroughly familiar with the article content. Choose one of the
scholarly readings assigned each week: (a) Identify three key ideas in the article One sentence for each key
idea (b) Identify a point where you disagree with author or see things differently. Explain why. One sentence for
disagreement One of two sentences for rationale (why do you disagree?) (c) If you were to meet the author
face-to-face, what would you ask them about the article you are analyzing? Explain why. One sentence for the
question you’d ask the author One sentence for the rationale (“explain why”) (d) Explain in one or two
sentences how / if the reading has changed your view of the topic.

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