Essay for criminology

Aileen Wuornos and Arthur Shawcross Comparison/Contrast Extra Credit
This extra credit is worth 25 points.
For this extra credit, you must view Serial Killers 8/25 – Aileen Wuornos (link below), and Interview with a Serial
Killer, Arthur Shawcross.
For the extra credit, you will need to (1) decide on a serial killer typology that best fits Wuornos and answer
why. (You should have already done this with Shawcross’ extra credit).
(2) Is Wuornos’ typology different from Shawcross’s typology? If so, how?
(3) Think of the criminology theories we have studied this semester. Which criminology theory do you believe
best fits serial killing? Explain why.
You may need to copy the link and open this documentary under a new tab –This documentary can be found
on YouTube:
Shawcross can be found on Netflix and YouTube

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