

Order Description

DIRECTIONS: Choose one of the following prompts (Option 1 or Option 2). Final drafts should be typed, double-spaced, with 12-point font and 1-inch margins. Successful papers will be edited for basic spelling, grammar, and structural errors.
Option 1: Analyzing Counter-Hegemonic Movements
Select one of the following readings from your DOC 1 Reader:
? “Port Huron Statement”
? “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?”
? “Black Panther Platform”
? “No More Miss America” [Gagnon or Mariscal lecture only]
? “La Feminista”
? “Queer”
Using well-chosen examples from the document and from lecture, write a 3-4 page letter to a close friend (who has not taken DOC), explaining how this document helps us understand the issues raised by a counter-hegemonic movement from the late 1960s and early 1970s. Conclude your letter by analyzing the significance of this movement in contemporary society.
Only Three quotations from the readings.
No more than 4 lines for each quotation.

Evaluation Rubric
Grade Range
“A” Range – Exceptional Response
The assignment demonstrates an exceptional response in nearly every way. Its content demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the chosen text and relevant lecture material. The examples are relevant and connections are superb. The paper concludes with a successful and clearly-developed analysis of the significance of the movement.
While not a perfect response, it stands above most other first-year assignments because it is clear, well-written and interesting to read.
“B” Range – Strong and Successful Response
The “B” paper is a successful response to the assignment. Its content demonstrates a strong understanding of the chosen text, concepts and historical context. However, there are a few places where key terms, examples or explanations could be explored with more depth, specificity, and accuracy to improve the paper. The paper concludes with a brief analysis of the significance of the movement that could be explained better.
In other words, one more draft and some closer reading might be necessary to put the paper in the “A” range.
“C” Range – Adequate Response
The “C” paper demonstrates an adequate response to the assignment. There may be at least a few places in this paper that rely on unsupported generalizations and/or unexplained supporting examples. Additionally, there may be some important pieces missing or unclear with regard to key terms, concepts, examples, explanations, or historical context. The paper struggles to identify contemporary significance of the movement.
With more reading, note-taking, and editing – and perhaps an office hour visit to the TA or lecturer – this could have been a “B” paper.
“D” and Below Range– Unsuccessful Response
Work that earns a grade below a “C” indicates that the paper fails to demonstrate an adequate understanding of the assignment.
A paper in this range may struggle with some/all of the following: does not address the audience, provide examples, or explain historical context; or it mistakenly focuses on the wrong ones. The paper may also have significant structural and sentence-level errors that distract readers from following its key points. It may also contain evidence of plagiarism.
A paper in this range could have strongly benefited from: additional planning and outlining work; office hour visits with the TA; writing center appointments; and/or greater class participation.


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