nursing philosophy

Nursin” rel=”nofollow”>ing Philosophy Assignment
A philosophy is a statement about who you are and what you believe. What do you see as truth? Chapter 3 Power Poin” rel=”nofollow”>int helps you begin” rel=”nofollow”>in the process of writin” rel=”nofollow”>ing your personal nursin” rel=”nofollow”>ing philosophy.
A philosophy may change over time. Once you write it down, revisit it yearly to see what you would change, if anythin” rel=”nofollow”>ing. You may be tempted to look at literature that is already defin” rel=”nofollow”>inin” rel=”nofollow”>ing some of the thin” rel=”nofollow”>ings you will be asked about. I encourage you to NOT look at the literature first. But in” rel=”nofollow”>instead, write what you thin” rel=”nofollow”>ink. There is time for clarification.

Once you have started your philosophy accordin” rel=”nofollow”>ing to Chapter 3 Power Poin” rel=”nofollow”>int, visit the web site below. It will provide you with additional thought provokin” rel=”nofollow”>ing questions that may expand your thin” rel=”nofollow”>inkin” rel=”nofollow”>ing.

Limit your philosophy to between 100 words and no longer than what will fit comfortably on one page. Notice there is no room for citations. This is your philosophy, not someone else’s! You will begin” rel=”nofollow”>in formin” rel=”nofollow”>ing your philosophy this week. It is due Week 6, Wednesday 11:55pmYou may be “tastefully” creative in” rel=”nofollow”>in your presentation.

A list of DO NOTS:
Use “Evidence from the literature”
Use websites such as blogs,, and other sites that are not considered professional in” rel=”nofollow”>in nature.
Use a PDF format

Be SURE to use this website for learnin” rel=”nofollow”>ing and development purposes:

Articulatin” rel=”nofollow”>ing Your Philosophy of Nursin” rel=”nofollow”>ing” rel=”nofollow”>ing.pdf
Category Substantially Developed
(20-25 poin” rel=”nofollow”>ints) Moderately Developed
(14-20 poin” rel=”nofollow”>ints) Min” rel=”nofollow”>inimally Developed
(7-13 poin” rel=”nofollow”>ints) Inadequately Developed
(1-6 poin” rel=”nofollow”>ints) Poin” rel=”nofollow”>ints
Ideas All elements of the philosophy are present.
Central ideas are clearly communicated. Clear and specific in” rel=”nofollow”>introduction and conclusion. Excels in” rel=”nofollow”>in respondin” rel=”nofollow”>ing to assignment.
Most of the elements of the philosophy are present.
Adequate but treatment of ideas that responds less well to the assignment. Recognizable in” rel=”nofollow”>introduction and conclusion. The purpose of the writin” rel=”nofollow”>ing is difficult to discern. Mundane treatment of ideas. Some confusion or irrelevant details present. Responded to less than half of assignment. Many of the elements of the philosophy are missin” rel=”nofollow”>ing or in” rel=”nofollow”>incomplete.
The purpose of the writin” rel=”nofollow”>ing is not clear to the reader. Unclear, repetitious, confusin” rel=”nofollow”>ing or disconnected thoughts; No clear central idea; Unfocused in” rel=”nofollow”>introduction or conclusion; Does not respond to the assignment. /25
Organization Order, structure, and presentation of in” rel=”nofollow”>information is compellin” rel=”nofollow”>ing; Flows smoothly; Draws reader in” rel=”nofollow”>in; Well organized.
Overall organization is clear. Generally adequate transition of ideas between paragraphs. Most ideas relate together. Organization is hard to follow. Connections between ideas unclear at times. Ideas arranged randomly rather than logically. Logic relatin” rel=”nofollow”>ing to the central idea not always clear. A clear sense of direction is not evident. /25
Personal Work & APA Style Work shows reflection. Displays origin” rel=”nofollow”>inality and creativity.
If applicable, for the most part, sources of in” rel=”nofollow”>information are cited correctly usin” rel=”nofollow”>ing APA format for both in” rel=”nofollow”>in-text citations and in” rel=”nofollow”>in the reference list. Work provides some reflection and origin” rel=”nofollow”>inality. Min” rel=”nofollow”>inor and/or occasional errors in” rel=”nofollow”>in APA formattin” rel=”nofollow”>ing are present. Work shows little reflection or origin” rel=”nofollow”>inality. Several errors in” rel=”nofollow”>in APA formattin” rel=”nofollow”>ing. Work provides no reflection or origin” rel=”nofollow”>inality. Major and/or frequent errors in” rel=”nofollow”>in APA formattin” rel=”nofollow”>ing are present. /25
Spellin” rel=”nofollow”>ing, Grammar, & Language Writin” rel=”nofollow”>ing is essentially error-free in” rel=”nofollow”>in terms of spellin” rel=”nofollow”>ing, grammar, punctuation, and language usage. Words are clear and accurate. Uses direct language.
Min” rel=”nofollow”>inor errors in” rel=”nofollow”>in spellin” rel=”nofollow”>ing, grammar, punctuation, and language usage which do not detract from the writin” rel=”nofollow”>ing nor impede understandin” rel=”nofollow”>ing. Words are clear and mostly accurate. Uses generalizations, clichés or platitudes. Several errors in” rel=”nofollow”>in spellin” rel=”nofollow”>ing, grammar, punctuation and language usage that detract from content understandin” rel=”nofollow”>ing. Writin” rel=”nofollow”>ing contain” rel=”nofollow”>ins frequent spellin” rel=”nofollow”>ing and grammar errors which in” rel=”nofollow”>interfere with comprehension of content. Errors in” rel=”nofollow”>in language block the reader’s understandin” rel=”nofollow”>ing of content. Language is wordy or repetitive. /25

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