The New Deal

The New Deal has been seen by many as a revolutionary turning point in American history. Do you agree? Explain why or why not. Furthermore, what is your view of government and why? Is government part of the solution to social problems or a cause of inefficiency and waste? Do you think that society’s perception of government and its role has changed since the Great Depression? If so, why? Is the New Deal unraveling and if so, should this be allowed to continue? How have you benefited from the New Deal and other government policies? Finally, are there any lessons that can be drawn from America’s
experience during the Great Depression? Do the New Deal and other government programs offer a blueprint for dealing with different crises, future economic recessions and growing inequality in the United States? In this regard, what do you think about the articles Why Canada Is Able To Do Things Better, Why America Will Never Get Medicare For All, Maybe COVID-19 will remind us why government is not the enemy and the podcast Reaching Back to the New Deal, Biden Proposes a Civilian Climate Corps? Please make sure to give explanations for your reasoning that draw on material from the text, additional web readings and/or other sources that you want to use.

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