A leadership philosophy statement.

Develop a leadership philosophy statement. Begin by reviewing your self-assessment results from Topic 2 and reflecting on what you have learned about effective leadership and conscious capitalism in the course. Keep in mind that one’s leadership philosophy is a unique statement that encapsulates your own view of leadership.

Include the following:

Discuss the role of supportive followership and its influence on your leadership style
Personal values and beliefs that influence your leadership style.
Expectations of self and others and effective followership.
Leadership style and influence tactics.

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Sample Answer

Leadership Philosophy Statement

I believe that leadership is about creating a shared vision and empowering others to achieve it. I am a supportive leader who believes in the power of collaboration and teamwork. I am also a results-oriented leader who is committed to making a difference in the world.

Supportive Followership

I believe that supportive followership is essential for effective leadership. When followers are supportive, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive. They are also more likely to be willing to take risks and to innovate. I believe that supportive followership is a two-way street. Leaders need to create an environment where followers feel safe to speak up and to share their ideas. Followers also need to be willing to be accountable for their actions and to contribute to the team’s success.

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Personal Values and Beliefs

My personal values and beliefs influence my leadership style in a number of ways. I believe in the importance of honesty, integrity, and respect. I also believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. I am committed to creating a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected. I believe that everyone has something to contribute, and I am always looking for ways to empower others to reach their full potential.

Expectations of Self and Others

I have high expectations of myself and others. I believe that we all have the potential to achieve great things. I expect my followers to be engaged, motivated, and productive. I also expect them to be willing to take risks and to innovate. I believe that we can achieve more when we work together.

Leadership Style and Influence Tactics

My leadership style is collaborative and empowering. I believe that the best ideas come from a diversity of perspectives. I am always looking for ways to get input from my followers and to build consensus. I also believe in the power of delegation. I am not afraid to give my followers responsibility and to let them take ownership of projects.

I use a variety of influence tactics to achieve my goals. I am often persuasive and I am good at building relationships. I am also good at using data and logic to support my arguments. I am not afraid to be assertive when necessary, but I always try to be respectful of others.

I believe that leadership is a journey, not a destination. I am always learning and growing as a leader. I am committed to continuous improvement and I am always looking for ways to become a better leader.

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