An emotional development mini-lesson to implement with the child.

Create an emotional development mini-lesson to implement with the child. Review your previous observations to determine where the child is meeting emotional developmental milestones and where additional support might be beneficial. Use this pre-assessment data to develop a min- lesson that includes two separate activities that can be implemented to improve the emotional development of the child. Specifically focus on supporting transitions among settings, based on the milestones identified during observations. Your mini-lesson should include an outline of the following lesson components:

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Emotional Development Mini-Lesson: Supporting Transitions

Child: [Insert child’s name] Age: [Insert child’s age] Pre-assessment Data: [Insert brief summary of observations regarding child’s emotional development and transitions]


  • Help the child recognize and express their emotions during transitions.
  • Develop coping strategies for managing emotions during transitions.
  • Increase the child’s comfort level with transitioning between settings.

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  • Picture cards of various emotions (happy, sad, angry, frustrated, excited)
  • Transition timer (optional)
  • Sensory tools (fidget spinner, noise-canceling headphones, stress ball)
  • Comfort object (stuffed animal, blanket)
  • Playdough or other creative materials


Activity 1: Emotion Recognition and Expression (5-10 minutes)

  1. Show the child the picture cards of different emotions. Explain what each emotion means and ask them to identify the emotions they are feeling during transitions.
  2. Play a game of “Emotion Charades.” The child acts out different emotions, and the others guess what emotion they are portraying.
  3. Encourage the child to verbalize their emotions. Ask them questions like, “How are you feeling right now?” or “What makes you feel this way?”
  4. Help the child develop a “feelings chart” with drawings or pictures representing different emotions. This can be used as a reference point for identifying and expressing emotions.

Activity 2: Coping Strategies for Transition Time (10-15 minutes)

  1. Introduce the child to different sensory tools and comfort objects. Explain how these tools can help them feel calm and relaxed during transitions.
  2. Practice using the sensory tools and comfort objects during mock transitions. This could involve pretending to move from playtime to nap time or from the classroom to the cafeteria.
  3. Create a transition routine with the child. This routine could include activities such as singing a song, taking a few deep breaths, or using a visual schedule to anticipate the next activity.
  4. Use a transition timer to help the child visualize the remaining time before the transition. This can provide a sense of predictability and control.
  5. Encourage the child to use positive self-talk during transitions. Help them develop phrases like “I can handle this” or “I’m going to be okay.”
  6. Engage the child in creative activities to express their emotions about transitions. This could involve drawing pictures, writing stories, or playing music.


  • Observe the child’s ability to recognize and express their emotions during transitions.
  • Monitor the child’s comfort level with transitioning between settings.
  • Ask the child questions about how they are feeling and how they are coping with transitions.
  • Collect feedback from the child and other caregivers about the effectiveness of the interventions.


  • Adapt the activities to the individual needs and interests of the child.
  • Provide additional support and scaffolding for children who are struggling with transitions.
  • Use visual cues and prompts to help children remember the coping strategies.
  • Collaborate with parents and other caregivers to implement consistent strategies across settings.


This mini-lesson is a sample framework and should be adapted based on the individual child’s needs and the specific context. It is important to monitor the child’s progress and adjust the activities as needed.

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