Applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems

Find applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems. Identify an organization with which at

least one member of your group has a good contact who has a decision-making problem that requires some expertise (but is not too complicated). Understand the nature of its business and identify problems that have been supported or can potentially be supported by intelligent systems. Some

examples include selection of suppliers, selection of new employee, job assignments computer

selection, market-contact method selection, and determining admission to graduate school.

Sample Solution

Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems:
1. Autonomous Vehicles – Self-driving cars use AI to navigate roads, detect objects, traffic signals and respond to road conditions.
2. Healthcare Diagnosis & Treatment Planning – AI can help doctors diagnose diseases, suggest treatment plans and aid in drug discovery/designing personalized medication for patients.
3. Image Recognition & Voice Recognition – AI enables machines to understand the context of an image or audio file so that they are better able to interpret user requests or instructions.
4. Robotics Process Automation – This type of automation uses computer algorithms to automate tasks that would otherwise require manual intervention such as data entry or customer service support activities.

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