Child and Elder Abuse

Examine forms of domestic violence against vulnerable populations.
Communicate the impact of mathematical results in a discipline-specific situation.
Characteristics of Abusers in Domestic Violence Situations
Write a 3- to 5-page paper on domestic violence against vulnerable populations.
Choose one vulnerable population from the following list:
Mentally ill
Racial or ethnic minorities
Socioeconomically disadvantaged
Conduct online research to locate two abuse cases within the last 5 years of someone from that vulnerable population you chose. Then summarize the cases, identify the forms of abuse involved, and examine the overall effects on the victims. Provide examples to support your findings.
Provide at least three statistical data points you consider critical to increasing society’s awareness about the serious issues related to the abuse of the vulnerable population you chose. The data points should be from your residential state. Include why knowing this information is essential.

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