Conflict Resolution Strategy Plan for Johnson Consulting Company in Brazil

Recently, Johnson Consulting Company reorganized many of its departments worldwide to improve efficiency for working with customers. The leadership decided to combine its Customer Service and New Business Development Departments to allow both groups to experience working with new and existing customers. This move created one department where employees will work together to develop new customers while supporting existing customers.

However, the move created conflict between the individuals involved with the reorganization in many South American locations, particularly in Brazil. For instance, the Customer Service Representatives were only handling existing customer issues before the reorganization, but the Business Development Specialists believe they should respond to new customer inquiries. Some of the Business Development Specialists prefer not to work closely with many Customer Service

Representatives as they have demonstrated rude behavior to coworkers from time to time.

As the newly appointed manager for both of these departments, you research Brazil’s natural and cultural dimensions. Then integrate what you have learned about the country’s culture in a conflict resolution strategy for the team.

Develop a conflict resolution strategy plan that addresses the following:

What are two different types of conflict the Brazil groups are experiencing due to the reorganization? What bargaining technique would be most useful for addressing each of the different conflict issues? Why?
What elements of a negotiation should be considered when managing conflict in this situation?
What dimensions of Brazil’s culture should be considered by management to determine the best way to address the situation with the employees in Brazil? How would resolving conflict in the U.S. differ from Brazil?
Use examples to support the understanding of concepts in a well-defined conflict resolution strategy plan.
Provide attribution for credible references used in the development of content ideas following academic guidelines.
As always, please keep in mind who your audience is and use correct grammar and spelling.

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Conflict Resolution Strategy Plan for Johnson Consulting Company in Brazil


The recent reorganization of the Customer Service and New Business Development Departments at Johnson Consulting Company aims to enhance efficiency and collaboration. However, the transition has created conflicts among employees in Brazil, a country marked by distinct cultural dimensions that influence workplace interactions. This conflict resolution strategy plan identifies the types of conflict experienced, the appropriate bargaining techniques to address them, and the cultural dimensions to consider for effective management.

Types of Conflict

1. Role Ambiguity Conflict

The first type of conflict arising from the reorganization involves role ambiguity. Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) are accustomed to managing existing customer issues, while Business Development Specialists (BDSs) aim to handle new customer inquiries. This overlapping of responsibilities has led to confusion and frustration, as employees are unclear about their specific roles in customer relations.

Bargaining Technique: Interest-Based Negotiation (IBN)

– Rationale: Interest-Based Negotiation focuses on understanding each party’s underlying interests rather than positions. By facilitating a discussion that emphasizes common goals—enhancing customer satisfaction and improving business results—the manager can clarify roles and responsibilities collaboratively. This technique encourages cooperation and helps find a solution that satisfies both departments’ needs.

2. Interpersonal Conflict

The second conflict type stems from interpersonal tensions between some BDSs and CSRs, particularly due to past rude behaviors exhibited by certain CSRs. This has resulted in a reluctance among BDSs to engage closely with CSRs, leading to further divisions within the newly formed department.

Bargaining Technique: Collaborative Problem Solving

– Rationale: Collaborative Problem Solving seeks to build relationships and trust between conflicting parties. By bringing employees together in a safe and facilitated environment, the manager can encourage open dialogue about their concerns. This approach fosters understanding and allows employees to work toward mutually agreeable solutions, thus improving team dynamics.

Elements of Negotiation

When managing conflict in this situation, the following elements of negotiation should be considered:

1. Preparation: Understanding the specifics of each department’s roles, responsibilities, and concerns is essential for effective negotiation. Gathering data on customer feedback and performance metrics may help inform discussions.

2. Communication: Clear, transparent communication is vital for diffusing tensions and ensuring all voices are heard. The manager should create an environment where employees feel safe expressing their opinions without fear of retribution.

3. Flexibility: The manager should remain open to adjusting proposed solutions based on employee feedback. Flexibility allows for creative problem-solving and increases buy-in from team members.

4. Follow-Up: After initial resolutions have been reached, follow-up meetings should be scheduled to ensure that the solutions are effective and to address any remaining issues.

Cultural Dimensions of Brazil

When addressing conflict in Brazil, management must consider several cultural dimensions that are characteristic of Brazilian society:

1. Collectivism vs. Individualism:

– Brazil leans towards collectivism, where group harmony and relationships are prioritized over individual achievements. Conflict resolution strategies should emphasize team collaboration and mutual support.

2. High-Context Communication:

– Brazilians often engage in high-context communication where non-verbal cues hold significant meaning. Managers should be attentive to body language and emotional expressions during discussions.

3. Power Distance:

– Brazil has a relatively high power distance, indicating that hierarchical structures are respected. Managers should approach conflict resolution with authority while being empathetic to employees’ feelings.

Differences Between Conflict Resolution in the U.S. and Brazil

In the U.S., conflict resolution often emphasizes direct communication and individual accountability, leading to quicker resolutions through straightforward discussions. In contrast, Brazilian culture values relationship-building and indirect communication, which may necessitate more time spent on establishing rapport before addressing conflicts.

For instance, while a U.S. manager might quickly implement a solution after a brief meeting, a Brazilian manager might invest more time in facilitating discussions to build trust among employees first.


The reorganization at Johnson Consulting Company presents both challenges and opportunities for growth in its Brazilian offices. By recognizing the types of conflict—role ambiguity and interpersonal tensions—and employing appropriate bargaining techniques such as Interest-Based Negotiation and Collaborative Problem Solving, management can foster a collaborative environment. Additionally, understanding Brazil’s cultural dimensions will enhance the effectiveness of conflict resolution strategies, leading to stronger team relationships and improved customer service outcomes.


1. Hofstede Insights. (n.d.). Country Comparison. Retrieved from Hofstede Insights.
2. Fisher, R., Ury, W., & Patton, B. (2011). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. Penguin Books.
3. Thomas, K. W., & Kilmann, R. H. (1974). Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. TKI Publishing.
4. Hall, E. T. (1976). Beyond Culture. Anchor Books.

This conflict resolution strategy plan provides a framework for addressing the current challenges at Johnson Consulting Company in Brazil while respecting the cultural nuances that influence employee interactions. By implementing these strategies, management can contribute to a more cohesive work environment conducive to achieving organizational goals.

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