Coser’s theory
Discuss a real-life example in which a social conflict followed Coser’s theory. According to Coser’s (and Simmel’s) insights, what function(s) did this conflict fulfill? In other words, why was it good for society – or at least some people within society?
“Conflict theory” derives from the critical work of Karl Marx on economic inequality under capitalism; Coser’s analysis comes from structural-functionalism. How might social conflict be understood using symbolic interactionism? Come up with and discuss an application of this theory to the question of conflict.
Sample Answer
A real-life example of a social conflict that followed Coser’s theory:
The American Civil Rights Movement was a social conflict that followed Coser’s theory. The conflict was between African Americans and white Americans, and it was over the issue of racial segregation and discrimination. The conflict was functional in several ways.
First, it helped to raise awareness of the issue of racial injustice. Prior to the Civil Rights Movement, many Americans were unaware of the extent of racism and discrimination that African Americans faced. The movement helped to bring these issues to light and to generate public support for change.