The senior leadership of your organization is preparing for its annual three day meeting. During these meetings, one day is devoted to current events / issues which the company finds itself needing to address. For this year’s meeting, you have been asked to give a presentation on Cybercrime as a strategic threat to the organization.

To prepare for your presentation, you should find a recent news report or law enforcement press release about a specific instance of a cybercrime which impacted the financial services industry (or customers). Analyze the report / press release and then write a background paper containing your analysis and findings.

In your background paper, include a summary of the report or press release that addresses the crime, the perpetrator, motive (if known), methods, the victim(s), the object of the crime (systems, data, networks, etc.), and the outcome of the investigation / prosecution. (Who did what to whom? What happened?)

Should the company take actions or develop strategies to protect itself from similar crimes? What are your recommendations in this regard?

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Sample Answer

Background Paper on Cybercrime as a Strategic Threat to Financial Services Organizations

Cybercrime is a rapidly growing threat to financial services organizations. In 2022, there were over 2,500 reported cyber incidents in the financial sector worldwide, up from 721 in the previous year. These attacks can have a devastating impact on organizations, leading to financial losses, regulatory fines, and damage to reputation.

One recent example of a cybercrime that impacted the financial services industry is the SolarWinds hack. In December 2020, hackers compromised the SolarWinds Orion software supply chain, which is used by thousands of organizations around the world, including many financial services firms. The hackers used this access to install malware on the networks of these organizations, which gave them the ability to steal data, move laterally, and launch other attacks.

Full Answer Section

Background Paper on Cybercrime as a Strategic Threat to Financial Services Organizations

Cybercrime is a rapidly growing threat to financial services organizations. In 2022, there were over 2,500 reported cyber incidents in the financial sector worldwide, up from 721 in the previous year. These attacks can have a devastating impact on organizations, leading to financial losses, regulatory fines, and damage to reputation.

One recent example of a cybercrime that impacted the financial services industry is the SolarWinds hack. In December 2020, hackers compromised the SolarWinds Orion software supply chain, which is used by thousands of organizations around the world, including many financial services firms. The hackers used this access to install malware on the networks of these organizations, which gave them the ability to steal data, move laterally, and launch other attacks.

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