Dissecting Key Points in the Beacon Program
The important applications of technology and the usefulness of the informatic support in the Beacon Communities. Now it is time for a deeper dive into what and how it was done. For this assignment access the new Health IT Feedback Portal. Here the learning guides used in the Beacon Projects are provided (there are 6 different guides).
The Guides include:
- Key foundational elements to support successful planning and implementation
- Strategic and implementation objectives with execution tactics and case studies
- Resources used by Beacon Communities such as process maps and sample documents Learning Guides | HealthIT.gov (ahrqstg.org)
Investigate the application of informatics technology.
Include the following aspects in the assignment: - Choose a guide of interest and review it
- Summarize the community need addressed, the technology applied to the need, and the major points of the project
- Identify how this program uses HIT to improve the quality of care and access to care within their region
- What were the findings/outcomes of the project?
- Do you feel this was an important initiative, why or why not
- How could the project be improved?
- Would you attempt this project in your community?
Write a 5 sentence paragraph for each point
Sample Answer
Part 1: Advocacy Practice Plan
Need for a Community Coalition
Coalition Name: Justice for All Coalition
Social Problem: Systemic Racism and Racial Injustice
The coalition will address systemic racism and racial injustice, particularly as it impacts marginalized communities. This includes issues such as racial profiling, discriminatory policing, and disparities in healthcare and education.
Mission, Vision, and Purpose:
- Mission: To dismantle systemic racism and promote racial equity and justice.
- Vision: A society where all individuals, regardless of race, have equal opportunities and are treated with dignity and respect.