
Comedy and Tragedy are both types of drama, but they are also clearly different. Explore how these two are similar OR different.

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Comedy and tragedy are both types of drama, but they have different goals and use different techniques to achieve those goals.


  • Both comedy and tragedy are forms of drama, which means that they tell stories about people in conflict.
  • Both comedy and tragedy use dialogue, character development, and plot to tell their stories.
  • Both comedy and tragedy can be funny or sad, but they use humor and sadness in different ways

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  • Goal: The goal of comedy is to make the audience laugh. The goal of tragedy is to evoke pity and fear in the audience.
  • Techniques: Comedy uses humor to achieve its goal. Tragedy uses pathos, or the arousal of pity and fear, to achieve its goal.
  • Theme: Comedy often explores themes of love, marriage, and social order. Tragedy often explores themes of death, fate, and the human condition.


Comedy and tragedy are both important forms of drama. They offer different experiences for the audience, but they both have the power to move and entertain.

Here are some additional differences between comedy and tragedy:

  • Setting: Comedy typically takes place in a lighthearted setting, such as a palace or a town. Tragedy typically takes place in a more serious setting, such as a battlefield or a plague-ridden city.
  • Characters: The characters in comedy are often exaggerated or cartoonish. The characters in tragedy are often more realistic and complex.
  • Resolution: The resolution of a comedy is typically happy. The resolution of a tragedy is typically unhappy.

Despite their differences, comedy and tragedy are both important forms of drama. They offer different experiences for the audience, but they both have the power to move and entertain.

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