Early Childhood Content Portfolio
Use the Early Childhood Content Portfolio Template to create a PowerPoint Presentation consisting of about 30–36 slides. For each content area, include the following:
Key Professional Organization (1–2 slides as needed)
Describe one key organization that supports P-12 educators in teaching the content area. Include:
Name of the organization and the link
Mission/purpose/guidelines of the organization
A brief description of resources provided for educators by the organization
At least one insight you gained that will support your work with children in this content area
Standards, Strands, and/or Themes (1–2 slides as needed)
Identify standards, strands and/or themes related to the content area for P-3 children
Explain, in a brief summary, what young children will be learning in this content area. Cite your source of information
Sample Answer
Presentation Structure (30-36 Slides):
I. Introduction (1-2 Slides) * Title Slide: Early Childhood Content Portfolio * Overview of the Presentation
II. Language Arts (4-6 Slides) * Key Professional Organization (2 Slides) * Standards, Strands, and/or Themes (2 Slides) * Conclusion/Insights (1-2 Slides)
III. Mathematics (4-6 Slides) * Key Professional Organization (2 Slides) * Standards, Strands, and/or Themes (2 Slides) * Conclusion/Insights (1-2 Slides)
IV. Science (4-6 Slides) * Key Professional Organization (2 Slides) * Standards, Strands, and/or Themes (2 Slides) * Conclusion/Insights (1-2 Slides)
V. Social Studies (4-6 Slides) * Key Professional Organization (2 Slides) * Standards, Strands, and/or Themes (2 Slides) * Conclusion/Insights (1-2 Slides)