Environmental and social disclosure
1- The topic is about: environmental and social disclosure and the impact on the firm value- evidence from Saudi Arabian listed firms.
2- The main chapters are:
A. Theoretical chapter (first chapter).
B. corporate environmental disclosure chapter (second chapter).
C. corporate social responsibility disclosure chapter (Third chapter).
D. the impact of environmental and social disclosure on the firm value (Fourth chapter a bit discussion).
3- It is very important to talk and link the following topic in the discussion > contribution of the CEO’s sicology and overconfident optimism, mental accounting and prospect theory.
4- use latest references (((important 2017 and above)
5- I need the references to be from the top accounting journals and names such as the ACCOUNTING REVIEW.
6- It is important to consider that this is a research proposal for getting a PhD offer from universities in Australia and the UK, this means that it is very important to write about the methodology and the data.
7- very important to put the references at the end, before them please create a timetable for the PhD journey (4 year as the supervisor needs it).
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