Factors in practice that influence safe, quality, patient-centred care
What factors do you see in practice that influence safe, quality, patient-centred care?
Have those factors shifted or changed as your role as an RN has progressed or changed?
Do you think the factors will continue to change?
What factors do you see affecting safe, quality, patient-centred care in 10 years?
Sample Answer
Factors Influencing Safe, Quality, Patient-Centered Care
Several factors influence the provision of safe, quality, patient-centered care. These factors can be broadly categorized into patient, provider, and system-level factors.
Patient-Level Factors
Patient’s understanding of their condition and treatment plan: Informed patients are more likely to adhere to treatment plans and make informed decisions about their care.
Patient’s communication skills: Patients who can effectively communicate their needs and preferences are more likely to receive care that meets their individual needs.
Patient’s support system: A strong support system can help patients manage their care and make informed decisions.