Gaps in prison and jail services in their state.

Continuing in your role as a human service provider for your local community, your manager has asked you to write an opinion piece for the local newspaper discussing gaps in prison and jail services in their state.

Write an opinion article that is 900 words. Complete the following in your article:​​​​​​​

· Describe the major beliefs of 4 criminological theories.

· For each criminological theory, explain what human services should be provided to inmates.

· Of the services identified for each criminological theory, list the services that are not currently provided by your local or state agencies.

· Discuss your personal beliefs related to which human services should be provided by your local or state agencies.

· Discuss a conclusion focused on changes in human services you would like to see made by your local or state agencies.

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Sample Answer

Gaps in Prison and Jail Services in Our State

As a human service provider in our community, I am concerned about the gaps in prison and jail services in our state. I believe that these gaps are contributing to the high recidivism rates in our state.

In this article, I will discuss four criminological theories and the human services that should be provided to inmates based on these theories. I will also discuss the gaps in services that are currently provided by our local and state agencies. Finally, I will discuss my personal beliefs related to which human services should be provided by our local and state agencies.

Full Answer Section

Criminological Theories

There are many different criminological theories that attempt to explain why people commit crimes. Some of the most common theories include:

  • The Classical Theory: This theory argues that people commit crimes because they weigh the potential benefits of crime against the potential risks. If the benefits outweigh the risks, then people are more likely to commit crimes.
  • The Positivist Theory: This theory argues that crime is caused by factors such as genetics, environment, and mental illness.
  • The Social Learning Theory: This theory argues that people learn to commit crimes by observing others who commit crimes.
  • The Labeling Theory: This theory argues that people who are labeled as criminals are more likely to continue to commit crimes.

Human Services for Inmates

The human services that should be provided to inmates vary depending on the criminological theory. However, some of the most common human services that should be provided include:

  • Education: Education can help inmates to develop the skills they need to get a job and become productive members of society.
  • Treatment: Treatment for mental illness and substance abuse can help inmates to address the underlying causes of their criminal behavior.
  • Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation programs can help inmates to learn how to live law-abiding lives.
  • Job training: Job training can help inmates to get the skills they need to get a job after they are released from prison.

Gaps in Services

Unfortunately, there are many gaps in the human services that are currently provided to inmates in our state. For example, many prisons and jails do not offer adequate education or treatment programs. Additionally, many inmates do not have access to job training programs.

Personal Beliefs

I believe that all inmates should have access to the human services that they need to be successful after they are released from prison. I believe that education, treatment, rehabilitation, and job training are essential for helping inmates to break the cycle of crime.


The gaps in prison and jail services in our state are contributing to the high recidivism rates in our state. I believe that our local and state agencies should do more to provide inmates with the human services that they need to be successful after they are released from prison.

I would like to see our local and state agencies make the following changes in human services:

  • Increase funding for education and treatment programs.
  • Expand access to job training programs.
  • Create more opportunities for inmates to participate in community programs.
  • Provide more support for inmates and their families.

I believe that these changes would help to reduce recidivism rates and make our communities safer.

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