Health Promotion Proposal

Over the duration of this course, you will submit a scholarly PowerPoint “Health Promotion Program Proposal,”

addressing existing nursing knowledge related to health promotion and a written proposal.

In the written proposal, you will also develop a health promotion program to meet the health needs of a vulnerable

population in your potential concentration area or community. The PowerPoint portion is your presentation of that proposal.

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Identifying a Vulnerable Population and Health Need:

  • Brainstorming: We can brainstorm potential vulnerable populations and their specific health needs. Consider factors like age, socioeconomic status, location, access to care, and existing health disparities. For example, we could explore:
    • Homeless individuals and their needs related to hygiene, nutrition, and mental health.
    • Immigrant/refugee populations facing language barriers and cultural adjustments impacting healthcare access.

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    • Adolescents and their challenges with mental health, substance use, and sexual health.
    • Older adults and their specific needs related to chronic disease management, fall prevention, and social isolation.
  • Researching: Once you have a few ideas, we can research the prevalence of the health need within the chosen population, existing interventions, and best practices. I can help you find relevant articles, reports, and data.

2. Developing the Health Promotion Program:

  • Program Goals and Objectives: We can define clear and measurable goals and objectives for your program. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Interventions: We can explore different intervention strategies, such as educational workshops, support groups, community outreach programs, or skills training. We’ll consider evidence-based practices and tailor the interventions to the specific needs of the population.
  • Theoretical Framework: We can discuss relevant health promotion theories and models (e.g., Social Cognitive Theory, Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model) and choose one to guide your program development.
  • Program Evaluation: We can develop an evaluation plan to assess the effectiveness of your program. This will include identifying appropriate outcome measures and data collection methods.
  • Resources and Budget: We can discuss the resources required for your program (e.g., personnel, materials, funding) and develop a basic budget.

3. Writing the Proposal:

  • Structure and Content: I can help you structure your written proposal, ensuring it includes all the necessary sections (e.g., introduction, literature review, program description, evaluation plan, budget).
  • Clarity and Conciseness: I can provide feedback on your writing, helping you to express your ideas clearly and concisely.
  • Citations and References: I can assist with formatting citations and references correctly.

4. Creating the PowerPoint Presentation:

  • Visual Appeal: We can discuss how to make your presentation visually appealing and engaging.
  • Content Organization: I can help you organize your content logically and concisely for the presentation format.
  • Key Points: We can identify the most important points to emphasize in your presentation.
  • Practice and Delivery: While I can’t deliver the presentation for you, I can offer tips for effective presentation skills.


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