Please read the following articles.
-Recovering From the Houston Astros’ Sign-Stealing Scandal: A Case Study on Protecting a Professional Sport Organization’s Reputation Through Crisis Communication
Recovering From the Houston Astros’ Sign-Stealing Scandal.pdf

  • Coping With Athlete Endorsers’ Immoral Behavior: Roles of Athlete Identification and Moral Emotions on Moral Reasoning Strategies
    Coping With Athlete Endorsers’ Immoral Behavior.pdf
  1. How do you evaluate MLB’s reaction to the Houston Astros scandal? Briefly explain your rationale.
    2.  Which stakeholders will be the most impacted? How does the organization plan on keeping its employees, volunteers, and other stakeholders informed?
  2. Please suggest your crisis management strategies for the Astros scandal using the perspective of moral reasoning strategies proposed by Lee et al., (2016).

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