Identifying Ethical Issues in Psychological Research

Identifying Ethical Issues in Psychological Research
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For the Week 1 Discussion, you identified and discussed two peer-reviewed journal articles related to your topic of interest. One was a report on a quantitative study and one a report on qualitative study. Some research projects combine both approaches in what are called mixed methods studies. An example is a study conducted by National University Professors Dr. Allyson Washburn and Dr. Susan Williams (2021) that asked what it is like to become and be an older adult. Participants over the age of 70 responded to interview questions about their experience of being old and completed quantitative measures of their adjustment to aging.
For this assignment, find a mixed methods study related to the topic you are considering for your senior project. (By now, you will have three peer-reviewed journal articles that you can use for you Week 2 Written Assignment, as well as for your senior project if you stick with your topic.)
Part I
“Dissect” this article as you did for the two articles you reviewed for the Week 1 Discussion.
• Reference citation for the journal article (in correct APA format):
• General purpose: What was the purpose of the study? How did the author(s) make a case for its importance to the field?
• Fit and specific rationale: How does the study fit into the existing research literature?
• Participants: Who were the participants? How were they selected? Who was the author(s), and how was he or she/they related to the purpose, participants, and study site?
• Context: Where did the study take place?
• Research approach: How did the author(s) characterize the research approach used?
• Results: What were the primary findings?
• Conclusions: How did the author(s) interpret their findings with respect to the general purpose of the study?
• Your Take-aways: What did you learn about human behavior and/or experience from reading this research report?
Part II
Address each of the following:
• What ethical issues could the researchers have faced in designing and conducting the study?
• What did the researchers say about how they protected their human participants—for example, their confidentiality and privacy?
• If the researchers did not directly address ethical issues in the article, what assurance do you have that their human participants were treated in accordance with the APA Ethical Guidelines for Research?
In addressing each part of the assignment, use the three references below to support what you say. The Cherry (2020) article provides a good introduction to the ethical conduct of research and includes a link to Stanley Milgrim’s infamous study of the effects of authority on obedience.
Additional Resources
Cherry, K. (2020). The process of conducting ethical research in psychology. Verywell Mind.
Washburn, A. M., & Williams, S. (2020). Becoming and being an older adult: A mixed methods study of the lived experience of aging. Journal of Aging Studies, 54.

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Identifying Ethical Issues in Psychological Research

Part I: Article Dissection

Reference Citation

Washburn, A. M., & Williams, S. (2020). Becoming and being an older adult: A mixed methods study of the lived experience of aging. Journal of Aging Studies, 54.

General Purpose

The purpose of the study by Washburn and Williams (2020) was to explore the lived experiences of individuals aged 70 and older as they navigate the complexities of aging. The authors underscored the significance of understanding these experiences in order to improve psychological support and services for older adults, highlighting a gap in existing literature that often overlooks the voices of this demographic.

Fit and Specific Rationale

This study fits into the existing research literature by combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of aging. Prior research has primarily focused on either quantitative measures or qualitative narratives; thus, this mixed-methods approach offers a more nuanced perspective on the psychological adjustment to aging.


The study involved participants over the age of 70 who were selected using purposive sampling to ensure a diverse representation of experiences related to aging. The authors, Dr. Allyson Washburn and Dr. Susan Williams, are knowledgeable in gerontology and psychology, which equipped them to conduct this research effectively given their expertise in the subject matter.


The study took place in a community setting that included participants from various backgrounds, allowing for a rich collection of data that reflects different aspects of aging.

Research Approach

The authors characterized their research approach as mixed methods, integrating both qualitative interviews and quantitative measures of adjustment to aging. This blend enabled them to capture the subjective experiences of participants while also providing measurable data on their psychological well-being.


The primary findings indicated that older adults experience a complex interplay of challenges and positive aspects related to aging. Participants reported feelings of isolation yet also expressed resilience and adaptation strategies that contributed to their well-being.


The authors interpreted their findings as evidence that understanding the lived experiences of older adults is crucial for developing effective interventions and support systems. They emphasized that psychological services should be tailored to acknowledge both the difficulties and strengths of aging individuals.

Your Take-aways

From this research report, I learned that aging is not merely a process of decline but rather a multifaceted experience that encompasses both challenges and opportunities for personal growth. The resilience demonstrated by older adults highlights the importance of focusing on strengths in psychological support frameworks.

Part II: Ethical Considerations

Ethical Issues Faced by Researchers

In designing and conducting this study, the researchers could have faced several ethical issues, including:

– Informed Consent: Ensuring participants fully understood the study’s purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits.
– Vulnerability of Participants: Older adults may be more vulnerable to coercion or undue influence, necessitating extra precautions to protect their autonomy.
– Potential Emotional Distress: Discussing personal experiences related to aging could evoke emotional responses, requiring appropriate support mechanisms.

Protection of Human Participants

The researchers addressed participant protection by ensuring confidentiality and privacy throughout the study. They likely implemented measures such as anonymizing data and securely storing participant information to maintain confidentiality Additionally, they may have provided participants with the option to withdraw from the study at any time without consequences.

Assurance of Ethical Treatment

Even if ethical issues were not directly addressed in the article, assurance that participants were treated according to APA Ethical Guidelines for Research can be inferred from several factors:

– Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval: Most credible studies involving human participants undergo IRB review to ensure ethical standards are met.
– Professional Standards: The authors’ affiliation with recognized academic institutions suggests adherence to ethical guidelines in research practices.
– Clear Reporting: The thoroughness with which the authors described their methodology indicates a commitment to ethical transparency and accountability.


1. Cherry, K. (2020). The process of conducting ethical research in psychology. Verywell Mind.
2. Washburn, A. M., & Williams, S. (2020). Becoming and being an older adult: A mixed methods study of the lived experience of aging. Journal of Aging Studies, 54.

This assignment provides a comprehensive analysis of the mixed methods study on aging while addressing essential ethical considerations that arise in psychological research.

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