To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Read the assigned case study, The iPremier Co. (A): Denial of Service Attack. (File attached) by Austin, R. D., Leibrock, L., & Murray, A. (2018, February). The iPremier Company (A): Distributed denial of service attack. Harvard Business School.
    Submit a 3 to 4-page paper that addresses the following questions:
    • How well did the iPremier Company perform during the 75-minute attack? If you were Bob Turley, what might you have done differently during the attack?
    • In what ways were the company’s operating procedures deficient in responding to this attack? In what ways were they adequate? What additional procedures might have been in place to better handle the attack?
    • Now that the attack has ended, what can the iPremier Company do to prepare for another such attack?
    • In the aftermath of the attack, what actions would you recommend?
    Refer to the Week 5 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.
    Your document should be 2–4 pages long (not including the list of references), but it is the quality of the work that is important, not the number of pages. Cite and reference all sources using APA format and style guidelines and submit in a single document. Use examples within the United States. References should be from 2013-present.
    Week 5 Assignment Rubric
  • Student provides a detailed and thorough explanation of how the company, and Bob Turley in particular, performed during the attack and suggests alternate methods that could have been used during the attack. Several examples and resources support thinking.
  • Student provides a detailed and thorough explanation of ways in which the operating procedures were adequate and how they were deficient, including suggestions for additional procedures that could have helped to handle the attack. Several examples and resources support thinking.
  • Student provides a detailed and thorough explanation of ways that the company might prepare for future attacks. Several examples and resources support thinking
  • Student provides detailed and thorough recommendations for actions the company should take after these events. Several examples and resources support thinking.

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