Islamic Golden Age
You explored the innovations and creative output of artists over history and investigated how the intersections of culture, critical thinking, and technological advances combined to contribute to an ever-evolving world of art from the prehistoric era to the Gothic.
choose two works from different periods/cultures studied in this course and write a 1,250 to 1,500-word paper that compares and contrasts these selected works in terms of era, style, message, and meaning. Cultures studied in this course include:
Islamic Golden Age
Late Antiquity period
Middle ages
Select two works from different periods and cultures across the course. You must include a cohesive and defendable thesis that compares and contrasts each work. Additionally, you must consider the following questions as you develop your essay:
Description: In your essay, you must describe each work to your reader (assuming they’ve never seen these objects before), specifically noting the formal features that make it unique.
Era: To what culture and/or time period is this work associated? How do we know this? If we discovered this work for the first time and didn’t already know its origin, what clues can we take from the work that would help us connect it to this era?
Style: How would we describe this work of art? How was it made? Use the terminology covered in this course to accurately discuss the technical materials and methods used in the work’s creation.
Message/Meaning: Why was this work created? How did it function? What was it to communicate to the viewer? What aspect of culture and history was it responding to at the time of its creation?
Comparison/Contrast: By looking at these two works together, what concluding observation can we make? Do they showcase the change of art over time, and/or do they illustrate the continuity of traditions? What is the significance of their similarities and differences, and what renders both of these works valuable as tested by time? In either case, provide evidence to support your claim.
Sample Answer
A Tale of Two Eras: Comparing the Venus of Willendorf and the Parthenon
The journey of human artistic expression spans millennia, evolving with societal changes, technological advancements, and shifting cultural values. Two iconic works, the Venus of Willendorf and the Parthenon, stand as testament to the enduring power of art to reflect and shape human civilization. Though separated by thousands of years, these two masterpieces offer intriguing parallels and stark contrasts in their form, function, and cultural significance.