Joyce: Thematic Analysis
You are take the interview responses (see attached) and develop a thematic analysis for each interview question. Thematic analysis is a qualitative data
analysis method that involves reading through a data set (such as transcriipts from in depth interviews or focus groups), and identifying patterns in meaning
across the data to derive themes. When you write up the analysis, categorize themes based on the research questions. Example, the paragraph heading
should be Research Question 1; then discuss themes from the research questions, thus, answering research question 1. Repeat the process for the next 3
sub-questions. Also, add interview statements when completing this assignment. Below is the research question and sub-questions: • Major Research
How do OAA recovering from a substance use disorder experience spirituality as part of the recovery process?
Sub Questions:
- What are the spiritual practices used by OAA in recovery from substance use?
- What are the perceptions of OAA about the use of spiritual practices in recovery from substance use?
- How effective do OAA feel spiritual practices are during their recovery from substance use?
Sample Solution