Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief.
Describe Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief. Critically explore the strengths and weaknesses of that approach to understanding how people process grief.
Sample Answer
Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was a Swiss-American psychiatrist who introduced the five stages of grief model in her 1969 book On Death and Dying. The five stages are:
- Denial: The person refuses to believe that the loss has happened.
- Anger: The person is angry at themselves, the person they lost, or the world in general.
- Bargaining: The person tries to make deals with God or fate in an attempt to change what has happened.
- Depression: The person feels sadness, emptiness, and despair.
- Acceptance: The person comes to terms with the loss and begins to move on with their life.
Kübler-Ross’ model has been widely influential and is still used today by many people to understand grief.