Media is everywhere

Because media is everywhere, picking a topic can feel overwhelming. I will list some past paper topics below from previous classes:
Using the Looking Glass Self Theory to attempt to explain some of Kanye West’s public behavior in the past few years.
Critiquing Avatar: The Last Airbender real-life movie using Social Identity Theory, discussing why all of the actors were white.
Using The Male Gaze theory or Face Theory to discuss influencers on Instagram.
Using Critical Race Theory to critique how black women’s hair is portrayed in the media and what it can say about how black women’s hair is stereotyped.

You will write a 4-6 page (double spaced) paper, utilizing a theory of your choice and applying it to any given context. You can use a theory from our textbook, one we have discussed in class, or any communication theory of your choice (I’m happy to help you with this). You will construct an argument/thesis, create a brief literature review/background of your theory and context, and then explore and describe your argument. You can critique a theory, explore what a theory can teach us about a new context, etc. The main point of this paper is to practice writing organization, research, and practical theory application. The paper should contain 4-6 academic citations cited in APA, although more citations are welcomed and encouraged.

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