Modern global inequality and social justice.

This video touches on modern global inequality and social justice. Our continuing love of cheap commodities and on-demand availability unfortunately fuels third world poverty, sweat shops and even slavery. Corporations have become very good at burying these ugly truths behind a cloak of good intentions.

What role does anthropology have in the 21st century? Do we need it? Or, as some have suggested, is it simply getting in the way of free enterprise?

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Anthropology has a vital role to play in the 21st century. It is the study of human societies and cultures, and it can help us to understand the complex factors that contribute to global inequality and social injustice.

Anthropologists can help us to understand the root causes of poverty and exploitation. They can also help us to develop more effective ways to address these problems. For example, anthropologists have studied the ways in which corporations exploit workers in sweatshops. This research has helped to raise awareness of these problems and to pressure corporations to improve working conditions.

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Anthropologists can also help us to understand the cultural factors that contribute to inequality. For example, they have studied the ways in which gender roles and expectations can limit the opportunities of women and girls. This research can help us to develop more effective ways to promote gender equality.

In addition to its academic value, anthropology can also have a practical impact on the world. For example, anthropologists have worked with governments and NGOs to develop policies and programs that promote economic development and social justice. They have also worked with communities to help them to preserve their cultures and to address their own problems.

Some people have argued that anthropology is simply getting in the way of free enterprise. However, this is a short-sighted view. Anthropology can help us to understand the impact of our actions on others, and it can help us to develop more sustainable and equitable ways of living. In a world that is increasingly interconnected, anthropology is more important than ever before.

Here are some specific examples of how anthropology has been used to address global inequality and social injustice:

  • Anthropologists have worked with indigenous communities to help them to protect their land and resources from exploitation.
  • Anthropologists have worked with governments and NGOs to develop programs that promote education and economic development in poor communities.
  • Anthropologists have worked with corporations to help them to improve working conditions and to promote social responsibility.

Anthropology is a powerful tool that can be used to make the world a better place. It is a field that is constantly evolving, and it is well-positioned to address the challenges of the 21st century.

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