Nurse practitioners should formulate lifelong learning skills that address women’s health needs
Ongoing, nurse practitioners should formulate lifelong learning skills that address women’s health needs. Download the United States Medical Eligibility Criteria (US MEC) app to your device. Develop a SOAP note on a patient over the age of 40 desiring contraceptive management.
You will identify and include the specific considerations to develop an appropriate and safe plan of care, selecting a contraception method best suited for the patient, based on past medical history consideration and risks. You will choose the patient’s detailed history, analyze data and include this in your SOAP. Include shared decision making and patient education in your plan. Support your findings based on the criteria from the US MEC and any other evidence-based practice guidelines..
Finally, provide a summary of how you will continue to formulate learning skills to address women’s health needs as you have practiced for this assignment? Include three or more specific practices to foster this personal ongoing learning. Give consideration to continued development of knowledge of diversity equity and inclusion.
Provide evidence-based sources.
Before finalizing your work, you should:
• be sure to read the assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
• consult the Grading Rubric (located in Course Resources, Grading Rubrics submodule) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
• utilize spelling and grammar checks to minimize errors.
Sample Answer
Patient Profile (Fictional):
- Name: Jane Doe
- Age: 42
- Chief Complaint: Desires contraceptive management.
SOAP Note:
- S (Subjective):
- Jane Doe, a 42-year-old female, presents seeking contraceptive management. She reports being sexually active with one partner. She has a history of heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) and occasional migraines with aura. She states she has completed childbearing and is seeking a reliable, long-term contraceptive method. She expresses a desire for minimal hormonal side effects, if possible. She denies smoking. Reports mild left knee osteoarthritis.