Outcomes associated with nutritional status.

Articles for review:
• Ruiz, A. J., Buitrago, G., Rodríguez, N., Gómez, G., Sulo, S., Gómez, C., Partridge, J., Misas, J., Dennis, R., Alba, M. J., Chaves-Santiago, W., & Araque, C. (2019). Clinical and economic outcomes associated with malnutrition in hospitalized patients. Clinical Nutrition, 38(3), 1310–1316. https://doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2018.05.016
• Harbottle L. (2019). The effect of nutrition on older people’s mental health. British Journal of Community Nursing, 24, S12–S16. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjcn.2019.24.Sup7.S12
• Jung, S. E., Bishop, A. J., Kim, M., Hermann, J., Kim, G., & Lawrence, J. (2017). Nutritional status of rural older adults is linked to physical and emotional health. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, 117(6), 851–858. https://doi:10.1016/j.jand.2017.01.013

a. What methods can be used to assess nutritional status?
b. What methods can be used to identify those at risk for malnutrition?
c. What specific health conditions increase the risk of malnutrition?
d. What associations exist between nutritional status and health outcomes?
e. What type of interventions improve adherence to recommendations on nutritional intake?

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