poem mini-assignment

For this mini-assignment, I’d like you to explore the Poetry Foundation’s website, find a poet and one of their poems that interest you (within the parameters
below), and in approx. ONE (1) paragraph, introduce us to the poet, their poem, and why you think we– and potential future Global Lit. classes– should read it.
Parameters: you can choose any non-US or non-Western European poet from the site. Go here:
to search for poets by region (the drop-down menu on the right).
Imagine that you are writing an entry for the poem in an online encyclopedia or annotated bibliography of global literature.
I’d really like you to try to limit your response to one paragraph (this is challenging, I know; it’s a study in concision!): 1-2 sentences about the poet (take a
look at their bio and summarize in your own words the most important information); maximum 2 sentences about the poem; and a maximum 2-sentence
argument about why we should read it/why it would be a good choice for a literature class. Please include a link to the poem in your response. OPTIONAL:
include in your paragraph ONE direct quotation from the poem that illustrates something about the poem’s style or themes.
Please post your name and one-paragraph recommendation below. I look forward to reading them! (Btw, “Names” was added to the syllabus directly as a
result of this exercise.)
This is the link for the website https://www.poetryfoundation.org/
Please use simple language only and please choose a simple poem. Thank you

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