Positive guidance methods facilitate children’s positive emotional development

How do young children learn to express their feelings appropriately? What positive guidance methods facilitate children’s positive emotional development?

What are two positive guidance methods used by the preschool teachers? Describe how these methods support children’s emotional development.

Part 2

Click on the link to view https://fod-infobase-com.proxy082.nclive.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=10383&tScript=0.

What are some of the physical, mental, and emotional disabilities brought on by FAS that may impact children in the classroom?

As you watch the film, Colleen Matterelli, a registered nurse and foster parent to children with FAS, brings to light that children with FAS (and other delays that come from being exposed to substances while in Utero) present with a variety of issues that require support. It can be frustrating for the early childhood provider because children with FAS are often very outgoing and friendly and usually speak a lot. It is important to understand that when supporting a child with a substance-induced disorder or delay such as FAS, a child’s communication ability can be very misleading. There’s a tendency to believe that because the child is outgoing and talkative, they are typical in the expectation of their development, but that is simply not true. The misconceived assumption is that if a can do that, they understand how to interact appropriately in the classroom. Colleen discusses some markers for children with fetal alcohol, including their ability to speak more effectively than they comprehend. She brings to light that these children often appear brighter than they are when these kids only understand or process about every third word that’s spoken.

After viewing the video, discuss the significance of this in the early childhood classroom.

How do your thoughts change about the misconception that a child may be intentionally misbehaving as opposed to the reality that primary symptoms are behavioral because FAS and other related substance abuse these children were exposed to in utero affect areas in the brain that control behavior?
What additional strategies do you think you will need to add to guide and support a child who needs support due to things they may have been exposed to before they were even born?

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