Preventing malicious code from getting on to the internal network

Although VPNs are relatively secure by nature, endpoints are not. Data entering or leaving the VPN is at risk. An end-user computer could be infected by malicious code that can traverse the VPN link into the company LAN.

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Consider employees who work from home and use personally owned computers to access a company internal network How would you make those computers and connections more secure? That is, how would you prevent malicious code from getting on to the internal network?

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here are some tips on how to make computers and connections more secure for employees who work from home and use personally owned computers to access a company internal network:

  • Use a strong VPN. A strong VPN will encrypt all traffic between the employee’s computer and the company network, making it more difficult for malicious code to be transmitted.
  • Keep the VPN software up to date. VPN software is constantly being updated with security patches. It is important to keep the VPN software up to date to ensure that it is protected from the latest threats.
  • Use a firewall. A firewall can help to protect the employee’s computer from malicious code that is trying to enter the network from the internet.

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  • Scan for malware regularly. The employee’s computer should be scanned for malware regularly using a reputable antivirus or anti-malware program.
  • Educate employees about security risks. Employees should be educated about the security risks of working from home and using personally owned computers to access the company network. They should be aware of the signs of malware infection and how to protect themselves from it.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Use a separate computer for work. If possible, the employee should use a separate computer for work that is not used for personal activities. This will help to reduce the risk of malware infection.
  • Keep the computer up to date. The employee’s computer should be kept up to date with the latest operating system and software updates. These updates often include security patches that can help to protect the computer from malware.
  • Be careful what you click on. Employees should be careful about what they click on when they are working from home. They should avoid clicking on links in emails or on websites that they are not familiar with.
  • Use strong passwords. Employees should use strong passwords for their work accounts. Passwords should be at least 12 characters long and should include a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

By following these tips, you can help to make the computers and connections of employees who work from home more secure. This will help to prevent malicious code from getting onto the company internal network.

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