Promotional Mix, Budgeting for IMC, and Market Segment
Question 1 – Ch. 1. Belch and Belch provide definitions for each element within the promotional mix (advertising, direct marketing, digital/internet marketing,
sales promotion, publicity/public relations, personal selling). Please paraphrase and cite each definition. Then explain, compare, and contrast each element
with each other. Where do the elements overlap? How do they differ? If it’s easier, after you paraphrase each element, feel free to make your own chart to
explain where these elements overlap, and how they differ. If you make a chart, please make sure you explain how it works so it is easy to follow.
Question 2 – Ch. 1. Let’s say, hypothetically, a local car dealer has reached out to you and asked “What should I expect to spend on marketing this next
quarter? I know paid media includes television, radio, magazines, newspapers, outdoor, direct mail, in-store media, online banner ads, videos, paid search, and
social media ads. How much does each tactic cost, and how much should I expect to spend if I implement each option?”. Break down the numbers and give
the car dealer a good estimate. Be sure to include a brief descriiption for each implemented tactic (i.e. Outdoor advertisement- any advertisement people see
outside of their home- example: 1 Large Billboard Bulletin costs approximately $2000 1 month in Louisville, Ky). Please make sure the information is
organized in a way that is easy to read.
(ps- I know the numbers here will vary greatly. I am not expecting you to be a bean counter. No. Instead, the purpose of this question is designed to
encourage you to explore the world of paid media, and to identify how much each tactic might cost. You will probably need to contact various distributors for
these estimates. It’s good practice to know how much things cost in your local area. This is a step in that direction).
Question 3 – Ch. 2. Figure 2-4 provides some bases for Market Segmentation, including segmentation variables and typical breakdown examples. Use this
figure as a guide to develop your own market segmentation analysis of your hometown. It might prove useful if you place this information in a chart. Once
you have answered questions related to each segmentation variable, please select a digital ad and use the research you collected for this question to identify
who the ad is supposedly targeting. Use information from the selected ad and your research to justify your answer.
Sample Solution