Students with ADHD
Students with ADHD find it challenging to self-regulate behaviors and emotions. What specific tools or strategies might you use in the classroom to help the child to self-regulate? What strategies will you employ when the child is deregulated?
Sample Answer
Students with ADHD often have difficulty self-regulating their behaviors and emotions. This can make it challenging for them to succeed in school and in life. There are a number of strategies that teachers can use to help students with ADHD self-regulate.
Specific tools or strategies:
- Provide a quiet space: Students with ADHD often need a quiet space to calm down when they are feeling overwhelmed. Teachers can create a quiet space in the classroom where students can go to relax and regroup.
- Use visual cues: Visual cues can be helpful for students with ADHD to stay on task and to remember what they are supposed to be doing. Teachers can use visual cues such as checklists, timers, and charts.
- Break down tasks: Tasks can be broken down into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help students with ADHD to stay focused and to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
- Provide frequent breaks: Students with ADHD often need frequent breaks to move around and to burn off energy. Teachers can provide frequent breaks throughout the day.
- Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement can be an effective way to encourage positive behavior in students with ADHD. When students are rewarded for positive behavior, they are more likely to repeat that behavior in the future.