The election of Barack Obama
What did you think of the election of Barack Obama? Do you believe that we achieved a “post-racial” world, or did things seem to get worse?

Do you think that Obama gets the credit he deserves for turning the economy around and saving the American automobile industry?

What do you think of the Affordable Care Act? Do you believe that this is monumental?

Sample Solution

I think the election of Barack Obama was an incredible moment for the United States. Not only did he become the first African American president, but his presence in office demonstrated a commitment to progress and a willingness to move beyond divisive social issues. He was able to bring together people from all different backgrounds and create a sense of unity amongst those who were divided before. His policies also showed that he was concerned about the future and understood how it could be improved by investing in education, creating jobs, expanding access to health care and promoting environmental sustainability. Ultimately, I believe his election marked a new era of hope for America and he will remain an important figure in its history for generations to come.

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