The formal or informal powers of the U.S. President

Select one of the formal or informal powers of the U.S. President from your text or the lists below. Explain how your selected power has played a role in expanding the powers of the modern presidency. Use one specific example of presidential actions.

Examples of formal powers granted to the president by the Constitution are:

Commanding the military.
Appointing Supreme Court justices and cabinet heads.
Vetoing legislation.
Examples of the president’s informal powers are:

Issuing executive orders.
Negotiating executive agreements.
Claiming executive privilege.

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I will select the informal power of issuing executive orders to explain how it has played a role in expanding the powers of the modern presidency.

The power to issue executive orders is not explicitly granted to the president by the Constitution, but it has been interpreted by presidents to be a necessary part of their ability to execute the law. Executive orders are directives issued by the president that have the force of law. They can be used to implement new policies, change existing policies, or interpret the law.

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Over time, presidents have increasingly used executive orders to expand their powers. For example, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued executive orders that created new agencies and programs, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Social Security Administration. President Lyndon B. Johnson issued executive orders that desegregated schools and banned discrimination in housing.

One specific example of how a president has used executive orders to expand their powers is the case of President Barack Obama’s executive order on immigration. In 2012, Obama issued an executive order that deferred deportation for undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. This order was controversial, but it was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2016.

The power to issue executive orders is a powerful tool that can be used by presidents to implement their policies and expand their powers. However, this power is also subject to checks and balances by Congress and the courts. For example, Congress can pass laws that overturn executive orders, and the courts can rule that executive orders are unconstitutional.

The expansion of the president’s power to issue executive orders is a complex issue with no easy answers. Some people believe that this power is necessary for the president to be effective, while others believe that it is a dangerous abuse of power. Ultimately, it is up to the American people to decide how much power they are willing to give to the president.

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