The physical therapy process of rheumatoid arthritis and how it affects one’s psychological state
Write a 2500-word double-spaced page paper + a front page and a reference page.
Identify TEN empirical studies to support your topic in addition to your textbook and Sapolsky. You will find a list of journals that focus on health psychology topic under If you are unsure about what an empirical research article, make sure to contact me or a librarian.
You will support your paper by integrating
your textbook
Ten research studies.
Sapolsky’s book.
Select ONE theory of your choice (i.e., the biopsychosocial model OR the ecological model) to explain your topic.
Include at least 25 psychological terms (i.e., cultural beliefs, self-efficacy, social support, relation between mind-body, etc.). Underline/bold each term in your paper.
You must discuss stress in relation to your topic and refer to Sapolsky’s book.
Sample Solution