The research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and nursing process

What do you see as similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and nursing process? Include rationale to support your response.
Share an example from your nursing practice setting of how a decision was made to change a procedure or practice.
What steps were used in the decision-making process?
What evidence was considered for decision-making?
Throughout the decision-making process, what research did you reference and present in order to support the proposed change?
Was the change effective? Provide rationale.

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The research process, the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) process, and the nursing process are all systematic approaches to problem-solving. However, there are some key differences between them.


  • All three processes involve the following steps:
    • Identifying a problem or issue
    • Gathering evidence
    • Analyzing the evidence
    • Making a decision
    • Implementing the decision
    • Evaluating the outcome
  • All three processes require critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • All three processes are iterative, meaning that they may involve repeating steps or going back to previous steps as needed.

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  • The research process is focused on generating new knowledge, while the EBP process is focused on using existing knowledge to make decisions about patient care.
  • The nursing process is focused on providing individualized patient care, while the EBP process is focused on making decisions that are generalizable to a larger population of patients.
  • The research process is more rigorous than the EBP process, and it typically involves the use of quantitative methods.
  • The EBP process is more flexible than the research process, and it can incorporate qualitative methods as well as quantitative methods.


I was working in a pediatric unit when we were considering changing the way we were administering pain medication to children. The current practice was to give children pain medication on a fixed schedule, regardless of their pain level. We were concerned that this was not providing optimal pain relief for some children.

We decided to use the EBP process to make a decision about whether or not to change our practice. The first step was to identify the problem. We did this by talking to nurses, parents, and children, and by reviewing the literature. We found that there was evidence that giving children pain medication on an as-needed basis, rather than on a fixed schedule, could provide better pain relief.

The next step was to gather evidence. We reviewed the literature on the topic of pain management in children. We also talked to experts in the field of pain management.

The third step was to analyze the evidence. We looked at the quality of the evidence, and we considered the strength of the evidence.

The fourth step was to make a decision. We decided to change our practice and start giving children pain medication on an as-needed basis.

The fifth step was to implement the decision. We trained the nurses on the new practice, and we made sure that we had the necessary supplies on hand.

The sixth step was to evaluate the outcome. We looked at the data on pain scores before and after we made the change. We found that the children were experiencing less pain after we made the change.

The change was effective in improving pain relief for children. We were able to provide better pain relief for children by using the EBP process to make a decision about how to change our practice.


The research process, the EBP process, and the nursing process are all important tools that can be used to improve patient care. The EBP process is a particularly useful tool for nurses because it allows us to use the best available evidence to make decisions about patient care.

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