The role and impact of healthcare administrators in facilitating effective change management

Appraise the role and impact of healthcare administrators in facilitating effective change management related to technology.

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A large integrated healthcare system recognizes the need for effectively managing change to their health information technology and systems. They currently have no formal governance method to evaluate and facilitate these changes. They contracted with your consulting firm to support them with a best practice recommendation on how to set up an oversight process. Given your expertise from the module readings, lectures and your own research develop a presentation on how this healthcare system would benefit from creation of a multidisciplinary HIT Innovation Steering Committee that monitors and facilitates change.

Create a PowerPoint presentation using speaker notes and/or voice narration that includes:

Description of the purpose and benefits of a technical oversight and change management committee
Discussion of recommended discipline and department memberships and why their inclusion is important on this type of committee
Discussion on methods an organization can use to manage and drive effective technology change
Discussion on the importance for the committee to be informed on new emerging technology, including suggestions on how this can be accomplished
Reference page of resources utilize

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Healthcare is a rapidly changing industry, and technology is a major driver of that change. In order to keep up with the latest advances, healthcare organizations need to be able to effectively manage change to their health information technology (HIT) and systems. This can be a complex and challenging task, but it is essential for ensuring that the organization can provide high-quality care to its patients.

Purpose and Benefits of a Technical Oversight and Change Management Committee

A technical oversight and change management committee can play a vital role in helping healthcare organizations to manage change effectively. The committee can provide a forum for stakeholders from across the organization to come together and discuss changes to HIT. This can help to ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process and that the changes are aligned with the organization’s overall goals.

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The committee can also help to identify and mitigate risks associated with change. They can develop and implement change management plans, and they can monitor the progress of changes to ensure that they are on track.

Recommended Disciplines and Department Memberships

The composition of the technical oversight and change management committee will vary depending on the specific needs of the organization. However, some key disciplines and departments that should be represented on the committee include:

  • Information technology (IT)
  • Clinical informatics
  • Nursing
  • Hospital administration
  • Patient safety
  • Quality improvement

Methods for Managing and Driving Effective Technology Change

There are a number of methods that healthcare organizations can use to manage and drive effective technology change. These include:

  • Planning and communication: The committee should develop a comprehensive plan for managing change, and they should communicate the plan to all stakeholders.
  • Education and training: The committee should provide education and training to stakeholders on the changes to HIT.
  • Pilot testing: The committee should pilot test changes to HIT before they are implemented on a wider scale.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: The committee should monitor the progress of changes to HIT and evaluate their effectiveness.

Importance of Being Informed on New Emerging Technology

The committee should be informed on new emerging technology that could have an impact on the organization’s HIT. This will help the committee to identify opportunities to improve the organization’s HIT and to mitigate risks associated with new technology.


A technical oversight and change management committee can play a vital role in helping healthcare organizations to manage change effectively. The committee can provide a forum for stakeholders to come together, identify and mitigate risks, and develop and implement change management plans. By being informed on new emerging technology, the committee can help the organization to stay ahead of the curve and provide high-quality care to its patients.


  • Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS):
  • American Hospital Association (AHA):
  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI):


  • Slide 1: Title slide
  • Slide 2: Purpose and benefits of a technical oversight and change management committee
  • Slide 3: Recommended discipline and department memberships
  • Slide 4: Methods for managing and driving effective technology change
  • Slide 5: Importance of being informed on new emerging technology
  • Slide 6: Conclusion
  • Slide 7: References


The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the role and impact of healthcare administrators in facilitating effective change management related to technology.

A technical oversight and change management committee can play a vital role in helping healthcare organizations to manage change effectively. The committee can provide a forum for stakeholders to come together, identify and mitigate risks, and develop and implement change management plans. By being informed on new emerging technology, the committee can help the organization to stay ahead of the curve and provide high-quality care to its patients.

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