Who owns the past

While numerous remains and artifacts are housed in museums, universities, historical societies and private collections, who should these remains and artifacts, actually belong to?

Based on the readings in your text and the article “Who owns the past?” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/who-owns-the-past/, write an 3ssay describing the issues and who you believe should own these remains and why.

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The issue of who should own the remains and artifacts of Native American tribes is a complex one. On the one hand, these remains and artifacts are important cultural heritage objects that should be preserved for future generations. On the other hand, they are also the remains of ancestors of living Native American people, and many tribes believe that they should be returned to their rightful owners.

There are a number of arguments in favor of returning Native American remains and artifacts to their tribes. First, these remains and artifacts are often sacred to Native American people. They may be used in religious ceremonies or they may simply be a way for tribes to connect with their ancestors. Second, the removal of these remains and artifacts from their original context can be seen as a form of cultural appropriation. By taking these objects from their tribes, non-Native people are essentially claiming ownership of Native American culture.

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There are also a number of arguments in favor of keeping Native American remains and artifacts in museums and other institutions. First, these institutions can provide a safe and secure environment for these objects. They can also provide access to these objects for researchers and other interested people. Second, museums can help to educate the public about Native American culture and history. By displaying these objects, museums can help to break down stereotypes and promote understanding between different cultures.

Ultimately, the question of who should own Native American remains and artifacts is a difficult one. There are valid arguments on both sides of the issue. However, I believe that the most important thing is to respect the wishes of the tribes involved. If a tribe wants their remains and artifacts returned, then they should be returned. If a tribe is willing to share their remains and artifacts with the public, then they should be shared. The most important thing is to ensure that these objects are treated with respect and that their cultural significance is not forgotten.

In the article “Who Owns the Past?” by David Hurst Thomas, he discusses the issue of repatriation and how it has become a more important issue in recent years. He argues that repatriation is not just about returning objects to their rightful owners, but it is also about restoring them to their original context. He also discusses the importance of respecting the wishes of the tribes involved in the repatriation process.

I believe that the most important thing is to respect the wishes of the tribes involved. If a tribe wants their remains and artifacts returned, then they should be returned. If a tribe is willing to share their remains and artifacts with the public, then they should be shared. The most important thing is to ensure that these objects are treated with respect and that their cultural significance is not forgotten.

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