Electronic Discovery
6.1: Watch 30(b)(6) video Dealing with 30(b)(6) Witnesses
6.2: Read Chapter 6, Electronic Discovery and the 30(b)(6) Deposition (Lehman, Martin, and D’Alberto) https://www.nelsonmullins.com/DocumentDepot/electronic%20discovery.pdf
6.3: Read Heartland Surgical Specialty Hospital v. Midwest Division Inc. 2007 WL 105427 (D. Kan. 2007) https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCOURTS-ksd-2_05-cv-02164/pdf/USCOURTS-ksd-2_05-cv-***.pdf
6.4: Interview with Christopher “Chris” Gerardi and Dan Roffman on the topic of depositions and testifying in court. This interview was recorded on October 21, 2021 by Professor Dan Purcell. Mr. Gerardi and Mr. Roffman are tenured professionals in the field of electronic discovery with more than 45+ years of combined experience.
Review the Unit 6 resources and conduct further research as needed. Respond to each question or point below. Your document should be at least 2 but no more than 4 pages. APA and MLA formatting is not necessary, but please put your name, course name, and date at the top of the document on the first page only. If you use acronyms, be sure to spell out the term initially [ex: electronically stored information (ESI)]. If you cite an FRCP rule, please cite the rule number and subsection. Submit the document in Word or PDF format to the Assignment area for Unit 6.
1) Define Rule 30(b)(6) in laymen’s terms. What are the primary elements of this rule?
2) Define Rule 26 in laymen’s terms. Discuss two elements or requirements of Rule 26 that apply to a digital forensic examiner or electronic discovery professional and why they are significant or important for professionals to be aware of.
3) After reviewing the video discussion with Mr. Gerardi and Mr. Roffman, discuss three “take-away” points that you learned from the conversation and question/answer session that you will apply in your current or future career.
Sample Solution