Theory of Planned Behavior

Scenario1 : You have recently been hired as the lead health educator for a state-wide project to discourage the use of e-cigarettes among teens. You have been tasked with developing a communication intervention to address the health issue. Your intervention should be theory-driven.

Select a theory or model from the list below and apply two (2) of its constructs to the development of your health communication intervention. (Recommend: 3–4 paragraphs)

· Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)

· Theory of Planned Behavior

· Social Cognitive Theory

· Health Belief Model

· Diffusion of Innovation

Item 2: Write a brief overview of the research/study (in your own words) and then explain how the specific theory or model was applied to the health communication in the study. Provide a detailed explanation, be specific, and provide examples if needed. It should be clear in your response what health behavior theory or model and specific constructs were used to develop the health intervention. (Recommend: 2–3 paragraphs) (Research study to review attached)

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