1. Remember the movie we watched, “I LOVE YOU NOW DIE” . After watching both parts of it, choose a side to argue. Was Michelle Carter a psychopath who just wanted attention for the death of her boyfriend, or was she a mentally delicate girl who thought she was helping him by telling him to kill himself? You can also use this film as a source just to argue about how untreated mental illness can ruin lives, and how it is a problem in America.
  2. Look at how the media affects our perception of the world or ourselves. Either talk about how the media affects our perception of beauty and our own self-image, and whether this is good or bad for young people, OR write a paper about how the media is affecting the mental development and overall well-being of children.
  3. Some say the government knew about Covid 19 long before the public was made aware of it. Some think shutting down the economy was wrong, and others think it should have been shut down for longer. Did the government’s handling of the Covid-19 in The United States make the situation worse?
  4. Reflect on the recent protests, and the reasons they started. You can look at the Murder of George Floyd, Breona Taylor or any of the other citizens who were killed by police officers in the recent past. How is systemic racism that is built into AMerican society responsible for these things continuing to happen? How can it be fixed? (Don’t do this one if you used it for essay 2).
    5) How is the prison system in the United States just another form of slavery? You can use the documentary we watched as a source if you’d like.
    6 . Choose any current event to research and have a position on. (you should probably clear it with me if you are going to do this one.Just come up with a good thesis).

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