Example of a program evaluation study

First Page:
Find an example of a program evaluation study published in an academic journal. Briefly describe what the key variables are, how they were operationally
defined, and how the program’s success was measured. Submit your findings via email in a one-page (double-spaced) Word document.
Second Page:
Part 1. Create an operational definition for each of the following concepts:
A. Economic Prosperity
B. Family Violence
C. Consumer Cultures
D. Mental Health
Part II. Researchers have found a consistent relationship between schools and crimes. More crimes occur in neighborhoods surrounding high schools and
junior high schools than in neighborhoods far away from schools. The researchers conclude that schools cause crime and believe that this relationship may
have something to do with teachers not teaching students the appropriate lessons in the classroom. By these data, do you find this argument compelling?
Why or why not? If not, what could explain this relationship?
Part III. The U.S Department of Justice has found that of the children killed by their parents, 55% of the murders were performed by the child’s mother and the
child’s father performed 45% of the murders. A researcher uses these data to support his contention that women are more violent than men. By these data,
do you find this argument compelling? Why or why not? If not, what could explain this relationship?

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