Generational Stress

Do people your age experience more stress than their parents or grandparents did when they were your age? What do you think? Discuss and offer specific evidence to support your belief.

Sample Solution

I believe that people my age do experience more stress than their parents or grandparents did when they were the same age. This is because today’s world has numerous demands and expectations placed on young adults which can lead to high levels of stress. For example, with advancements in technology, there is a much quicker pace of life; we are constantly bombarded by news and social media updates, which can create a sense of anxiety and pressure to keep up with current trends. Additionally, economic pressures have increased significantly over the past few decades as wages have become stagnant for most professions while at the same time education costs have drastically risen and student loan debt has skyrocketed. This leaves many young adults feeling overwhelmed and stressed out about trying to make ends meet. Lastly, the mental health conversation has really opened 

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