Filipino Culture Paper and Nursing
Recognize customs of different countries and become culturally sensitive to the needs of patients from different countries.
Understand the meaning of cultural competence and culturally responsive care and how to apply it in a clinical setting.
Create an experience of taste, explore medical care, customs, and religious preferences in relation to the cultural orientation of the people represented.
Each individual is to write a 4-5 page APA format paper (including title and reference page) on their portion of the presentation. A minimum of 3 references are required.
My Topics for this paper are:
*Family patterns
*Communication style
*Verbal communication
*Nonverbal communication
*Eye contact
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Sample Solution
In describing a commonwealth, Hobbes calls the head of the Leviathan and the carrier of the combined state’s power, a “sovereign.” However, in this quote, he states that one is not considered a sovereign unless their power is supreme and unlimited. This cannot be achieved in the case of unrestricted representatives or two sovereigns, as their powers would potentially limit each other. They would also not be superior to each other and thus, not supreme. Therefore, to be considered a sovereign, the head of the Leviathan must be an individual with unlimited power. Though governed by a single ruler or a monarch, the Leviathan is one of republican origins and purposes as it was made by the people, in service of the people, which leave them accountable to the great Leviathan’s actions. This is highlighted in Hobbes’ definition of the Commonwealth: “one person, of whose acts a great multitude, by mutual covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the author, to the end he may use the strengths and means of them all, as he shall think expedient for their peace and common defense” (Hobbes, pg.109, s.13). In this passage, Hobbes recognizes that in agreeing with the social contract the people accept accountability or “make themselves the authors” of the sovereign’s actions or legislation. He also recognizes that such legislations are created with the sole purpose of guaranteeing the public’s will for peace and common defense. Therefore, being the co-authors and benefactors of these laws, the public is as influential to the reigning of a commonwealth as the sovereign is, making it a rule by all through the ruling of one. When listing the rights of a sovereign in a Leviathan, Hobbes claims that it is impossible to incriminate him of any potential injury or injustice done to a subject: “by this institution of a Commonwealth every particular man is author of all the sovereign doth; and consequently he that complaineth of injury from his sovereign complaineth of that whereof he himself is the author” (Hobbes, pg.112, s.6).>