Geriatric Depression Scale
Below are links to a variety of evidence based assessment tools. Choose one of them.
Choose one of the following evidence based assessment tools. If you have another you would like to address, please email me with the tool. I will let you know if it will work for this assignment
Braden Scale
Caregiver Strain Index.
Geriatric Depression Scale
John Hopkins Fall Risk Assessment 22_17.pdf
Mini Nutrition Assessment – Short Form
STEADI fall risk tool.
Remember to determine what factors are contributing to the concern before trying to intervene!! For example, if a person is at risk for falling due to orthostatic hypotension, removing throw rugs (although good) is probably not the optimal intervention.
A patient and family centered care plan is only as good as the assessment it is based on. Using evidencebased assessment tools, relevant to the unique situation can help the nurse uncover data and contributing factors that can be easily overlooked. If the root of the problem is not identified, it likely will not be addressed. Positive outcomes may not be achieved. The Joint Commission recommends use of these tools when assessing risk for some things – ex. falls (The Joint Commission).
Part One: Choose one of the tools included above and respond to the following questions adhering to the criteria in the rubric.
1) State which tool you are reviewing.
2) What contributing/risk factors are assessed by the assessment tool?
Sample Solution