Cultural comparison with China regarding business relationships and communications.

As a board member of Express International, you are part of a negotiating team set to acquire ZHO Express, a delivery service located in China. Although Express International is the second largest package delivery service in the world, they currently have limited coverage in China which is now considered to have the largest express delivery volume in the world. ZHO is the third largest delivery service in China and has coverage of over 90% of China. You will write a 2500 word essay that describes your negotiation process as part of this team and adapts theories of cultural dimensions to this scenario.

Give a brief background on the parties involved in the negotiation. Feel free to supplement this scenario with facts discovered about similar companies.
Create a cultural comparison with China regarding business relationships and communications.
Demonstrate your knowledge of cultural differences through adapting cultural dimensions to the scenario.
Identify goals and interests for each party. Point out your BATNA and WATNA. Determine what will be your walkaway point.
Discuss your strategy as part of the acquisition team including your strategy to eliminate bias and your persuasive strategy. Predict your counterparts’ strategy. Discuss what inherent flaws might surface during the negotiation.
Identify the type of power in the negotiation and discuss what will happen if negotiation breaks down.
Recommend how to proceed with the negotiation.

You may refer to the course material for supporting evidence, but you must also use at least three credible, outside sources and cite them using APA format. Please include a mix of both primary and secondary sources, with at least one source from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. If you use any lessons as sources, please also cite them in APA (including the lesson title and instructor’s name).

Primary sources are first-hand accounts such as interviews, advertisements, speeches, company documents, statements, and press releases published by the company in question.
Secondary sources come from peer-reviewed scholarly journals, such as the Journal of Management. You may use like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Social Science Research Network to find articles from these journals. Secondary sources may also come from reputable websites with .gov, .edu, or .org in the domain. (Wikipedia is not a reputable source, though the sources listed in Wikipedia articles may be acceptable.)

Sample Solution

The type of power in this negotiation is positional power. Positional power is the ability to influence decisions by virtue of one’s position or rank within an organization. In a negotiation, this could be the decision-making authority that comes with being in a higher level of leadership or having more seniority than the other party. In this situation, if the negotiation breaks down and no agreement is reached, then both parties will likely have to go back to their respective positions and attempt another round of talks at a later date.

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