Perceptions of Deviance, Crime, Victims, and Justice

The media informs many viewers of deviance and crime, victims of crime, and justice in society. Consider and describe the following:

Where do you get your information about:
Deviant behavior
Victims of crime
Justice for victims
Describe your perception of
Deviant behavior
What behavior is deviant according to your values?
What do you believe is the root or cause of crime?
What types of crimes do you believe happen most?
Who do you believe commits crime?
Victims of crime
Who do you believe is likely to be a victim?
Have you ever been fearful of a crime occurring to you or your family?
What do you believe about victims that you hear about?
Justice for victims
How do you see justice handled in our society?
What form of punishment do you see as being effective or ineffective?
Did you learn anything specific from the textbook that has changed your perception? What did you learn and which perception did it change?

Sample Solution

My primary source of information regarding deviant behavior is the news media. I often hear about various forms of deviance, such as drug use, property crimes, and assault in the news. Reports on these topics will typically focus on statistics and provide an overview of how prevalent the behavior or crime is in a given area or region. Additionally, I also see stories about individual cases of extreme forms of deviance that are highly sensationalized. These reports can help to shape my perception by providing examples of how serious certain kinds of behavior can be.

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