Finding an issue that is related to climate change and do deep research on it.

What harm does the problem cause to individuals, communities, institutions, and/or ecologies?

Why does the problem exist? When and how did it develop? Do any individuals, communities, or institutions benefit from it?

Who is paying attention to and writing or speaking about the problem among journalists, politicians, scholars, other researchers, activists, governmental agencies, and/or industries.

Sample Solution

The issue chosen for deep research is ocean acidification, which is caused by the influx of excess carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere that have resulted from human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This has led to an increase in CO2 levels in the ocean, resulting in it becoming more acidic.

Ocean acidification causes a range of impacts on marine ecosystems and species, including coral bleaching, reduced calcification rates in shellfish such as oysters and mussels, decreased diversity and abundance of plankton populations impacting fish larvae survival, altered metabolic processes and behaviour in fish, changes to food webs affecting predator-prey relationships and other ecosystem dynamics. It can also cause detrimental effects on fisheries economies due to diminishing catches of certain species important for subsistence or commercial fishing. Moreover, increased acidity can result in reduced oxygen concentrations leading to hypoxic zones where few organisms can survive.

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